Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Headline Writing Burnout

ACCESS Magazine is going along well. Yesterday we went over ideas for headlines.
This is what happens when you stick 30 people in a room and tell them to be creative: racist, campy, tripe, or totally cliche.

My personal favorites:
"Jocks N' Cocks"
"Border Hopping"
"The World and You"
"Politics 2.0"
"The Misadventures of Cancerpants"

Wow. Awkward.


To My Starving, Magazine Writing, Slacker Friends

I'm not lazy, and I'm no idiot with regards to new technology. But jeez, it is hard to get noticed. Valleywag's Paul Boutin had this kick-butt article this morning that you've got to read if you're struggling to make a name for yourself. It almost made me want to write something original (blogosphere joke)...
