Friday, December 15, 2006

Home is Smaller than I Remember

I'm officially back in Sacramento for Christmas, so you'll get some video of downtown Sac while I'm here. It's true what they say, "You can't go home."

It's so much smaller and tighter than I remember it being when my mom was alive. Everything has different connections now. Everything has different meanings.

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What the Hell Happened to Christianity and Over Priced Track Jackets

Earlier I was Digging around and came across a CNN article that happened to perk my interest. The thoughts and attitudes expressed by Jay Backer were really in line with many of my views on Christianity today. I'll keep this short because I have finals to study for but give it a read, its worth your time Christian or not. Here is a short CNN interview with Jay that I also found rather enjoyable.

To round this little post out, the folks at Veer have some very cool stuff up for sale. Forewarning it is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive. However, they carry very unique items for artists and artsy people that you likely wont find any where else. I am a particularly big van of the KERN track jacket.

Anywho, I off back to studying

Burke Shartsis