Friday, January 26, 2007

Where in the World are BBC's Viewers?

Chris Doidge had this interesting post today about a lecture made by BBC's Huw Edwards. Huw talked about why BBC ratings have dropped, and what must be done to the news to turn it around.
Hint: It has something to do with great story-telling.

"BBC needs to be presenting a face and a voice that says, 'we are representative of the United Kingdom. Okay. We're not just a certain group of people, broadcasting from a certain area.'"

"[the news] has got to be diverse and it has got to be credible. People have got to see elements of society reflected back at them. "

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And the Story Found Me

With the semester reeving back up, I know I'll soon be back in story-telling mode. Looking back on the notes from one of my classes, I was struck by a quote I scribbled in one of my binders last semester.

"Good stories write themselves," a teacher told me.

Sure, but it takes a keen eye to sort the mundane from the extraordinary, and great writers are great writers for their expertise in this arena.

I often reread this article from Rocky Mountain News journalist, Jim Sheeler, when trying to understand how good journalists can highlight the best features of a story. The piece earned Mr. Sheeler the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing. Some of you have already read it.

It still gives me goosebumps.

(Notice how the multimedia compliments the story without being intrusive. Genius.)

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