Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Literally Metaphorically Speaking

My life continues without a phone - it was blown up by the monsoon of last week. That little Razor was literally dropped from a three story building, run over by a truck, and soldered back together. None of that phased it. In the end, H20 was its downfall.

How embarrassing. That's the equivalent of Bad Pitt being taken down by the pansy arrow in Troy. Like that could really happen.

That man went through the Jen breakup, he can literally handle anything.

And that brings me to the title of this post. I've been pondering the relationship between my colloquialisms and my writing. I literally say, "literally" about four billion times a day (hyperbolizing). So much so, that I can't help the itch to type it into every nook and cranny of my journal entries and blogs (literally).

It's like crack, but less socially accepted (maybe literally, it depends if you're friends are like mine...).

How depressing. The real world is ruining my cyber-prose. For shame. Literally.